Hiya! My name is Anthony, and I am an intuitive. I have been reading tarot for years, and have developed a very unique style. I am extremely straight forward, and to the point. If you’re looking for a real, honest, assessment of your life, you came to the right place! Ominous and spooky are so outdated, I prefer to simplify things and put them into Laymen’s terms. Your experience with me will very much mimic the dynamic you share with your best friend. Just with the added help from the divine!
A little bit of backstory about me: I’m 33, and originally from New York, though I now reside in Austin, Texas. I had a very rough upbringing, and experienced massive amounts of bullying and adversity. Through all of it, I persevered, and it’s why I adopted the “We are survivors, not victims” mentality. I believe strongly in tough love. Nothing in life was handed to me, and hard work has, and always will, pay off.
As a child I was always wiser and more perceptive than the other kids. And as such it created an immediate divide between me and them. I was often ostracized and isolated. My biggest strength was, and still is, my ability to be a walking human lie detector. Imagine going up to someone and telling them how much you loved your teacher, only for them to respond with “I get a weird vibe. Seems like the type to cheat on his wife.” Yeah that someone was me, lol. [True story btw: said teacher did cheat on his wife!] I quickly realized I needed to learn to let people lie in order to not make waves, but that just made me feel miserable. Why did people have such a hard time facing the truth? THEIR truth? It wasn’t until I was in my late teens that I realized what was going on: I was psychic. The information I was lifting from people were not things they were ready or willing to share. It was information I just knew. I thought everyone was like me, but boy was I naive! You see, I like to think of it like this: We are all born with 2 valves. One is ourselves. The personality, the decision making, the human interaction, etc. And the 2nd, is our intuition. Most people are born running on their “self” valve, and have to learn to tap into their intuitive valve. I was born opposite. My intuitive valve was on, and I had to learn to discover my “self” valve. I basically just learned in reverse. Also, those dreams I had that kept coming true? Yeah, that should have been my first hint. Hah!
Fast forward many years and now I get to help people every day better their lives and find the truth through tarot. Whether it be my celebrity readings, or with my regular clients, I enjoy nothing more then watching people succeed and guiding them to the best possible outcome as well as the best version of themselves!